Category: Microsoft Office
Fatal Error when starting Microsoft Word 2007
My employer is slowly but surely implementing Microsoft Office 2007. One of the errors we’ve encountered has been a fatal error. It seems to be caused by one of the following two things: Default printer driver has become corrupted. Normal template has become corrupted. To fix this problem, try the following, in order:…
Outlook "disappears" when minimized
A user called me up, telling me that whenever she’d minimize Outlook, it would shut down in stead of minimizing. Accessing her computer remotely, I easily saw that Outlook wasn’t closed, it was minimized to tray. To avoid this problem reappearing, I did the following: I located and right clicked the Outlook icon…
Outlook runs slowly
I was contacted by a user telling me that Outlook was running slowly on his computer, especially when switching between Mail and Contacts, etc. He also reported that when he had Outlook open, he didn’t get the speed he was supposed to while surfing the web. The problem was simply that Outlook was set…
Why Webmail rocks my world
I’ve been using email since 1998, and from the get-go I’ve been using various webmail-clients, in addition to locally installed clients such as Outlook Express (urgh), Outlook (Yum-yum), Lotus Notes (Oh-so-bloated) and Thunderbird (Weighed, measured and found wanting). My first email address was a hotmail one, and although that specific incarnation of my online presence…