Category: Blog

  • Self-hosting revisited

    Back in 2018, I wrote about my reasons for hosting my blog on my own site, rather than having it hosted elsewhere. This domain,, is in fact my second TLD as my first one was poached (but that is a story for another time), and I’ve had it since at least 2008. All of…

  • Implementing security.txt

    Two and a half months ago, I checked another item off my ever-growing todo-list; writing and uploading a security.txt-file. I honestly don’t expect it to do much of anything, but at the very least, something now exists. I think having a way to easily contact me about potential issues is important enough that I don’t…

  • Would I like to link to your spammy article? Let me think…

    Hi there! You are most likely here because I sent you a link to this post in response to an email from you which probably sounded something like this: Hey! I came across your post on [subject], and love your work. I have an article on [subject] which would be a great addition to your…

  • WordPress: Remove broken links

    As a general rule, I don’t do much in the way of SEO (search engine optimization) on this blog. I’m not trying to sell anything, readership numbers are largely irrelevant to me, and I am not serving any ads. While I wouldn’t mind having a readership in the tens or hundreds of thousands, the fact…

  • 2017 roundup

    As has become my tradition, I am rounding out the year with a retrospective article. The idea stems from many places, but in particular from Steve Jackson, of Steve Jackson Games, and his annual Report to the Stakeholders. There is no way around it; 2017 was extremely challenging on the personal front, for a number of…

  • State of the Blog 2017

    As I did last year, I am writing a retrospective article for the summer. These are meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, which means that some information will be duplicated across the two series of posts. Blogging has continued to be an outlet for me. At most, I have had ten weeks’ worth…

  • An alert for old posts

    As some of you may have noticed, my old posts now feature the following notice: I implemented this following a particularly obnoxious example of someone reposting an old article to their own ends, after which a Norwegian blogger advocated labelling one’s old posts and articles with a notice that they are, in fact, old. I…

  • Changing it up, yet again

    I know that it has been a very short time indeed since I last changed the theme, but I have not been completely happy with Latte, either. In particular, the fact that it has too much white space on either side of the posts when viewed on a large monitor has bothered me, but also the…

  • Changing it up, again.

    Since changing to Alchem back in Q1, there have been a few things that bothered me about it, and I’ve been looking for a replacement for some time now. The other day, I came across this one, called Latte. It does many of the same things that Alchem did, but better. At the same time, I…

  • Understanding a product revisited

    I would like to revisit my thoughts on understanding the product of news outlets. Some time ago, an acquaintance, who works for a news outlet posted a picture of a newspaper article to his Facebook feed, stating that “…this is journalism. You can’t get it on social media – or on blogs for that matter. Journalism at its best…

  • State of the blog 2016

    State of the blog is a new segment that I’m trying out. It’s meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, and some information will be presented both places. I’ve held to my weekly posting schedule, while continuing to endeavour to put a buffer of pre-loaded blog posts in place. At most, I have had…