Category: Opinion

  • Workflow for video editing – the workflow

    This is the fourth and final entry in this series. We’ve been through the sorting system, the software, and the hardware; the topic for today is the workflow itself: Whenever I go to edit videos, I have a plan for what I want to edit. Be it a series of match videos, videos showing a day at…

  • Workflow for video editing – the hardware

    This is the third entry in my series on my workflow for video editing. Last time, I discussed the software I use; this time I’ll talk about hardware: I have two hardware setups, one for travel and one at home. The main difference between the two, is that I have a 24″ monitor at home, as well as…

  • Workflow for video editing – sorting system

    As I have alluded to in previous posts, one of the things I do on occasion, is edit video. Among many others, one of the communities I am happy to belong to, is that of YouTubers. Of my two YouTube channels, the one I spend the most time on, is my shooting sports channel; D20 Shooting Sports. In…

  • An even smaller, cheaper DJI Drone

    You may remember that I posted about the DJI Mavic back in October of last year, when it was announced, and that I was excited about both it and the GoPro Karma, which I classified as the contenders for my money. While that assessment was correct, I ended up not buying either. I could simply…

  • My travel caffeine fix

    As most anyone who knows me can attest, I love coffee. Most days I start with a cup of coffee of some sort; most often either a pour-over or aeropress. When travelling, and in particular if I’m staying in a rented apartment, rather than in a hotel with breakfast service, I bring the basic equipment…

  • Anatomy of a web-era business register scam

    About three months ago, I got a ticket in which the sender claimed that a registration was about to expire. The subject line said %domainname” Expiration, and the contents looked like this: There were a plethora of links to payment sites, so that we could pay for this service. If you’re unfamiliar with a) the…

  • On gender identity and power of definition

    Some time ago, one of my friends posted a link to an article called “6 Reasons Why Being Called a Cis Person Is Not ‘Oppressive’“, which made me think. In general, I think that the author is getting things mostly right, but their conclusion seems to me to be off the mark, and badly so.…

  • How I blog – software

    A few weeks ago, I wrote about my process around blogging, and how I get from ideas in my head to finished posts. A reader emailed me, asking what software I use, other than WordPress. The truth is, I don’t use a single piece of software, for a number of reasons. First, different software serve different purposes. Second,…

  • My posting schedule

    Constraints that liberate As readers of this blog should know by now, my posts publish on Mondays. They have done so for a long time – at least five years, from what I see in the archives. With very few exceptions, publishing any given post is not time critical. This means that I can (and generally do) write posts…

  • How I blog

    I write words into WordPress and set a date to schedule them for publishing. End of story, right? Well, not quite. Writing has been an outlet for me for a number of years. The vast majority of all I write is never published, and most is deleted without another thought. What becomes a blog post depends…

  • Favorite things in 2016

    Inspired by the series of videos by the Tested crew, here are my favourite things of 2016. These are things that I have discovered or started using, which have changed – and improved – some aspect of my life. The year has been marked by a fair amount of time spent editing videos, and I…