Category: Opinion
2016 roundup
Another year has gone by, the fourth one running in which I am writing a roundup article. While still not burdened with an overabundance of excitement, they are useful to me. Like 2015, 2016 has been a year marked by change. In January, we moved out of our house, into an apartment, and sold the house.…
Reviewed: Tesla Model S part 7: 15000 kilometers later
Since first picking up the car a year ago, we’ve driven more than 15000 kilometers. Regardless of the season, the car is a joy to drive. Though the rear-wheel drive can be challenging when the roads are snow covered, this is more a question of adapting to the conditions, rather than an actual problem. Likewise,…
Why I blog – revisited
Back in 2010, I wrote a post called “Why I blog“. All of the things I said six year ago are still true. This is still my personal KB, and I use it on a weekly basis for that very purpose. I was offered both of my last two jobs, in part due to this blog (having documented skills in…
In memory of Leonard Cohen
Baruch dayan haemet – blessed is the true judge. I have been blessed to grow up in a home where music formed a core part of the experience of life. Everything from classical music to rock and jazz came out of the speakers at home, and among the artists played and replayed was Leonard Cohen.…
Which camera drone – a look at the changed market
Funny, isn’t it, when a new product, which changes the market arrives, another – from a competing brand – is not far behind? So, too, with camera drones (although I might add that the topic of this discussion came about a fair bit sooner than I had thought). At any rate, following GoPro’s announcement of…
GoPro Karma: First thoughts
I have made no secret of the fact that I like what GoPro are doing in the action camera market, and my thoughts on the GoPro Hero Session are here. I was very excited to hear, as I did a few weeks ago, that they would launch their own drone, to compete with DJI and the…
On the necessity for strong encryption to remain legal
Some time ago, I had yet another induhvidual claim that some policy of the security establishment was only bad for criminals, and that those who had nothing to hide also had nothing to fear. I can’t find the original context, but I am fairly certain it had something to do with US authorities and their bumbling…
Reviewed: Tesla Model S part 6: 10000 kilometers down the road
As regular readers of the blog will know by now, my wife and I bought a Tesla Model S last year. Here are my thoughts on it, after having had it on the road for 10000 kilometers: With spring came higher temperatures, allowing us to remove the foam that we used to line the panorama roof.…
Understanding a product revisited
I would like to revisit my thoughts on understanding the product of news outlets. Some time ago, an acquaintance, who works for a news outlet posted a picture of a newspaper article to his Facebook feed, stating that “…this is journalism. You can’t get it on social media – or on blogs for that matter. Journalism at its best…
On Tesla and Autopilot
There have been a few incidents of Teslas involved in accidents, where critics (in some cases including the driver of the car) claim that the Autopilot is to blame. In response to questions I’ve received about my opinions about these accidents, I would like to point out a few things, as well as offer some opinions:…
State of the blog 2016
State of the blog is a new segment that I’m trying out. It’s meant to be the summer counterpart to my end-of-year roundup series, and some information will be presented both places. I’ve held to my weekly posting schedule, while continuing to endeavour to put a buffer of pre-loaded blog posts in place. At most, I have had…