Category: Opinion
Reviewed: Tesla Model S part 5: 7500 kilometers later
I was originally planning on writing this for the 5000 kilometer mark, but that came and went so quickly, I didn’t have anything substantive to add. After driving the Model S for 7500 kilometers, I am still very impressed by the car. The addition of the third seat row has come in handy on more than…
Tesla Model S: On add-ons and upgrades
For most people, to even start considering the purchase of a Model S is a daunting prospect. Even with incentive programs, they are not cheap. They also come with a fairly large list of optional add-ons and extras. Which ones to pick, and which one to leave by the wayside? I believe this comes down to…
On modelling the world
When trying to understand the world, we apply models to it, in order to quantify what we see. Different models are used to look at different things. A crucial point is understanding what models to apply at what resolution. A model which is well suited to say something about the population of a country may break…
On pricing structures and how to increase prices
The following observations are fairly self-evident to me, in all likelihood because I have been reading a number of books about economy and economic theory over the last few years. As it turns out, they are not obvious to everyone. Hence this post. Some time ago, I talked to a photographer who was about to change how…
Reviewed: Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business
Author: David J. Anderson Publisher: Blue Hole Press Year: 2010 ISBN: 9780984521401 Having (re)read the Phoenix Project, I decided to dig a bit deeper into Kanban, and the underlying concepts and methods used in its application. One of the first books that showed up in my searches was David Anderson’s Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your…
Facebook adds longed-for admin tool
Back in september of last year, I lamented the lack of what I view as a crucial admin tool on Facebook; the option to close a thread for comments while leaving the original post there for everyone to read. Since then, this is something I have found myself wanting time and again, as I have been forced…
Reviewed: GoPro Hero Session
I’ve been on the fence about getting an action cam until this winter, when I finally pulled the trigger on a GoPro Hero Session. I’ve been using it for a few months; here are my thoughts: The GoPro Hero Session is the result of GoPro looking at the market for action cams, realizing that they…
New theme
For some time, I’ve been unhappy with the theme I have been using, and started looking for something that does not actively remove focus from the content. This is the result. The theme is called “Alchem”, and I’m very happy with how it looks. In particular, I like how it helps me differentiate between views,…
Reviewed: Tesla Model S part 4: Range
Last year, my wife and I decided it was time to swap out our old car with a newer one. After a lot of discussion, dreaming, and looking for small change in the couch, we landed on ordering a Tesla Model S. This is my thoughts on range after driving it for 2500 kilometers, in conditions…
Reviewed: Tesla Model S part 3: The first 2500 kilometers
Last year, my wife and I decided it was time to swap out our old car with a newer one. After a lot of discussion, dreaming, and looking for small change in the couch, we landed on ordering a Tesla Model S. This is my review of the car after having driven it for 2500 kilometers.…
Challenging statements made under System 1 thinking
Last week, I wrote about the cognitive dissonance often encountered in risk estimation. Just after writing that post, I came across this photo, which had a few comments that I would like to comment on: First off, assigning numerical value to letters is a well-known method, known as gematria. It has been used for pseudo-science…