Category: Opinion
Spreading the word and interpreting the analytics
As I said back in March, I have a fair bit of knowledge about you, my readers. While I enjoy writing, and a lot of the posts on this blog have been highly useful to me, it is good to know that there are people who read it who are not, well, me. To get word out there about new…
#TBT: Internet Explorer and me (Or: Why I choose)
This post originally ran in May 2008. I am reposting it now, as part of my throwback thursday project, to give some of my older quality posts some love. While Internet Explorer may have become better since the article was written, I still opt to use other browsers. I’ve been using computers more or less actively for…
Music Piracy: Not such a real problem after all
It should be no surprise to you, my readers, that I believe the claims of piracy by the recording and movie industries are weak. Likewise, I have made my views on the way the content industry tries to score points very clear.Further, it should be no surprise that I think that a content creator who wants to ensure that they get…
#TBT: Apt-get FTW or: How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love Ubuntu
This post originally ran in May 2008. I am reposting it now, as part of my throwback thursday project, to give some of my older quality posts some love. While I still like Linux and, as I have written about last year still use Linux, it is not my main working platform. I love technology and fiddling…
#TBT: Why Webmail rocks my world
This post originally ran in May 2008. I am reposting it now, as part of my throwback thursday project, to give some of my older quality posts some love. With smartphones, tablets, and computers at home and work, webmail is still relevant; arguably more so than ever before. I’ve been using email since 1998, and from the get-go…
A critical look at the “Great Place to Work” award
These days, the lists of the winners of the “Great Place to Work” award are being announced. I can understand that it is a title that a lot of companies want to lay claim to; after all, it makes them that much more competitive in the hunt for candidates, and it lets them push back on…
Movie Piracy: A look at the effects on revenue
I have written previously about piracy and how to combat it. One thing I haven’t spoken about, is the impact of piracy, mostly because I haven’t been able to find any decent sources on the subject. While I have been certain that the claims made by the industry have been extremely off target, I have not had…
#TBT: Net Neutrality
This post originally ran in April 2008. I am reposting it now, as part of my throwback thursday project, to give some of my older quality posts some love. This one is sadly still highly relevant. Net Neutrality has become a heated topic over the last few years. The debate is whether an Internet Service Provider (ISP) should…
#TBT: The Throwback Thursday project
#TBT and Throwback Thursday has become something of a thing of late. The concept is simple enough; bring old posts and content back to the front page, and help people find your quality content. For me, this project means both that I look through my old posts, some of which are still very relevant, and pick them…
2014 roundup
Another year, another roundup. 2014 has been far less turbulent than 2013, for which I am grateful. I have held the same job throughout the year, and studied Project and Service Management in the first half of the year. After the summer, I turned to Change Management (with a bit of project management and strategy thrown…
Security database trust relationship revisited
A little over a year ago, I showed you how to fix a broken trust relationship between the client computer and Active Directory. That post has since received a number of comments, and I will address some of them below: @Uncle Reggie: Yeah right, and lose your entire profile and everything you have ever installed. Oh, sure, there are…