Category: Opinion
The status for eBooks post the iPad-announcement
Note: Eirik Newth is a Norwegian writer and lecturer, who blogs interestingly and well about, among other things, eBooks. Here’s his take on the iPad and its impact on the eBook market. The original article (in Norwegian) can be found here. A few days after the announcement of Apple’s netbook challenger, anyone would be hard…
Why the iPad is a bad idea for consumers
In my last post, I covered why I am not going to get the iPad. Those reasons were my reasons, based on my needs and wants. I’m not expecting everyone to have the same needs and wants as me, so here are a few more reasons not to spring for it. No free software Now,…
The iPad
Yesterday, Apple announced the long-anticipated, much hyped iPad. Looking like an overgrown iPhone, it sports a 9.7″ screen, with a resolution of 1024×768, multi-touch and your choice of WLAN (all models) 3G (some models) and 16, 32 or 64 GB memory. A commenter at NRK Beta said it was disappointing that it didn’t have…
RIP Geocities
Monday last marked the end of an era. Since 1995, Geocities has offered free hosting to anyone who wanted their own piece of the net. It has been the last bastion of the <BLINK> and <MARQUEE> tags for years. Monday, October 26th, 2009 marked the end of that, with the closure of Geocities Seriously…
Innocent until proven guilty – or so I’ve always learned.
The miscarriages of justice made possible by the two acronyms I loathe the most (RIAA, MPAA) just keeps piling on it seems. First it was the lawsuits against dead people and infants. RIAA recently announced their decision to stop pressing these lawsuits. Later on there was the suggestion of three strikes legislation to fight…
Internet Explorer and me (Or: Why I choose)
I’ve been using computers more or less actively for about 10 years now. My first encounter with a computer was a hulking 386, which I never really got the hang of. Since then, I’ve encountered computers in many different ways, but the first time I can remember getting a “So that’s what it’s all about”…
Net neutrality
Net Neutrality has become a heated topic over the last few years. The debate is whether an Internet Service Provider (ISP) should be allowed to decide what their customers are allowed to use the service for. Examples are many, and range from the Norwegian ISP Telenor attempting (however unsuccessful that attempt might have been) to…