Tag: PowerShell

  • Powershell: Exporting Active Directory Contacts

    Some time ago, I needed to have a list of all Contacts registered in Active Directory. Knowing that there are a lot of them (numbering at least eighty), getting the data manually was not a viable alternative, particularly knowing that the same objective can be achieved through Powershell. I eventually came up with a solution.…

  • List user home folder size

    Users tend to store all kinds of crud on their network home folders, which can be a constant source of frustration for SysAdmins. Luckily, it is fairly easy to get a list of the size of each folder, using a Powershell script. The script has already been made for us. It is discussed in detail here, and can…

  • Exporting a list of a given users group memberships from Active Directory

    A while back, I showed you how to export a list of all members of a group, as well as all computers, from Active Directory. On a related note, here’s how to export all group memberships held by a single user: Log on to your Domain Controller Open a command prompt Enter the command dsget…