• Verify what RSAT features are installed

    Before summer, I showed you how to install ADUC using PowerShell. ADUC, however, is not the only tool in the RSAT toolbox. Here, then, is how you can get an overview of all of them, as well as whether or not they are installed on the computer:

  • Installing ADUC from PowerShell

    With some frequency, I have users contacting me to have ADUC (Active Directory Users and Computers) installed on their computers. While you can simply install RSAT from Apps & Features, doing so would be overkill and a half. Much better, then, to simply install ADUC and be done with it. This is easily done using…

  • Free text search in ADUC

    A critical component to successfully closing a lot of the tickets I handle at work is the ability to search for – and find – Active Directory User, Computer, and Group objects. In about eight of ten instances, I’m able to do so using the standard search types (searching for Users, Contacts, and Groups or…

  • AD: Inspecting object attributes

    A little while ago, I was asked about when a specific user last logged in with their active directory (AD) user account. While looking up that information was easily done, finding out how to look up the information was a mite more challenging. There are a number of ways of achieving it; including command line…

  • Installing RSAT on a Windows client

    You may, for one reason or another, need to install Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) on your Windows client computer. You may want to perform administrative tasks in Active Directory Users and Computers, administer Certificates in Active Directory Certificate Services, or administer DNS or DHCP in DNS or DHCP Server Tools. Whatever the case may…

  • Active Directory: Accessing the Attribute Editor

    A month or so ago, I was asked to find a specific attribute (objectGUID, in case you wondered) of a group in Active Directory, for use in some third-party system. Thinking that this would be easily accomplished, I opened my Active Directory Users and Computers-window, and found the group in question. I opened the properties,…