Tag: google keep

  • Start a new Google Doc/Sheet/Slide deck straight from the address bar

    I recently learned of a nifty little trick for users of Google’s Workspace services (i,e. Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms etc.): You can start a new document, spreadsheet, slide deck and so on from the address bar of your web browser. Simply enter the appropriate command (below) into the address bar, hit return, and watch as it unfolds:

  • Transferring notes from GMail to Google Keep

    While I have a number of software tools that I use and like, I do like trying out alternatives. Sometimes the alternatives supercede the tool I used to use, sometimes I revert to the old tool, and sometimes I go forward using both. Back in November, I started using Google Keep, wanting to see if it did what I needed it for. The first thing I noticed, was that there was no way for me to import stuff from my GMail, where a number of my notes were stored. Luckily, the internet had the answer – simply install a plugin in Google Chrome and run the import. Here are the detailed instructions, by Jimmy Patrick on Quora: (more…)