Changing where FotoWeb desktop is downloaded from.

By default, FotoWeb directs users to download the FotoWeb Desktop installer files from FotoWares servers. If you, as an administrator, should want to control exactly what version is made available to your users, you need to make a few changes.
Before you start, make a backup of FWDTInstaller.fwx, in case things should go wrong.
You will first need to download the installers for both Windows and Mac OS, and make these available on a server, using HTTP. The FotoWeb Desktop installers can be found on the FotoWare Update Center.
Then, find the file called FWDTInstaller.fwx. It is located in the Documents folder of the FotoWeb site. Open it in Notepad, or your editor of choice. Modify the URLs in the highlighted lines of the file, then save your changes.

Please note that you will need to make sure that the version of FotoWeb Desktop you make available is compatible with your version of FotoWeb.
Caveat lector: I used to work with support at FotoWare. This blog is my own space, I am not paid to write it. I write about FotoWare and FotoWare products because I believe in them.


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