View message headers

For most users, the message headers of any given email are irrelevant; the email has arrived, and that is all there is to say about that. It does, however, have applications both in IT support and in information security. While those applications are outside the scope of this article, accessing the message header is not.

Outlook on Desktop

  1. Double-click on the email in question
  2. Click File > Properties

The headers will be shown in the Internet Headers box.

Outlook Online

  1. Open an email
  2. Click the ellipsis (three dots) at the top of the email
  3. Select “View message source”

Essentially, anything before the actual email is part of the headers.


  1. Open an email
  2. Click the three dots at the top right of the message
  3. Select “Show Original”

GMail displays some of the header information in an info box at the top of the email. beyond that, essentially, anything before the actual email is part of the headers.


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