Twitter: Exporting your data

I’ve been a Twitter user for the better part of fifteen years, now, and it’s a platform I’ve enjoyed using. With Elon Musks takeover of the site, and the sackings that immediately followed it, I have found continuing to use it much less of an attractive proposition, and I have made the decision not to post until I see what direction the site takes.

What I do in the future will depend on a number of things, but the options run the gamut from returning to the platform with a fervor, to deleting my account altogether. Stopping posting is somewhere in the middle there.

As for the long term viability of Twitter, I would say it is highly uncertain. If the platform goes the way of GeoCities, I’d like not to lose everything I’ve done on it, and so I’ve downloaded an archive of my data. Here’s how you can do the same:

  • Click More
  • Go to Settings and Support > Settings and privacy
  • Under “Your account” go to “Download an archive of your data”
  • Enter your password, and click “Request archive”

You’ll have to wait a good long while (it took the better part of a week for mine to be generated, and I’ve heard of some people waiting twice as long as that), but at least the option is there.


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